“Fullerton Acupuncture and Herbs is led by Dr. Park, a licensed acupuncturist and certified medical examiner in California. With more than 20 years of experience in acupuncture and herbal medicine, the clinic provides expert care tailored to each patient's needs. Dr. Park, a graduate of Samra University and a member of the US Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research Institute (TMSarang), specializes in facial needling techniques and provides personalized treatments tailored to each individual's health and body balance. In addition to acupuncture, the clinic offers a range of services including acupressure, herbology, cupping, beauty restoration, electroacupuncture, infrared lamp therapy, heat moxibustion, mobile acupuncture, and tuina. Dr. Park adopts a safe, natural, and practical approach to pediatric care, prioritizing the well-being of her patients. With a commitment to delivering the highest level of care, Dr. Park has successfully treated individuals with various ailments.”
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