“Phoenix Community Acupuncture is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation that offers acupuncture on a sliding scale. They provide high-quality, effective treatments at a low-cost treatment to their community. Phoenix Community Acupuncture provides 3 to 6 treatments for the same price as 1 private treatment elsewhere. They treat their patients in reclining chairs clustered together in a shared, comfortable, relaxing space. Mayo Mercedes Wardle is the founder of the clinic. Mayo Mercedes Wardle is a licensed acupuncturist who uses a combination of distal acupuncture needling, or balance method, and local needles to achieve maximum outcomes. She uses a gentle technique that combines her studies in Chinese and Japanese acupuncture styles. Mayo is passionate about affordable and accessible acupuncture. Her particular interests are pain, emotional syndromes, and women’s health. In her spare time, Mayo chases after her daughter, dances, and thinks she’s funny. She specializes in treating pain, emotional syndromes, and women’s health. Phoenix Community Acupuncture also provides battlefield acupuncture as an addition to their regular acupuncture treatments.”
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