“Savannah Community Acupuncture helps many conditions in a safe and drug-free way. Jeffrey Schifanelli is the president, licensed acupuncturist, and classical Chinese herbalist. He then received a Master's in Chinese Medicine from Yo San University in Los Angeles, CA, where he graduated valedictorian. He is also nationally board-certified in Chinese Medicine and has been practicing since 2011. He specializes in treating women's health, pain management, cancer support, and respiratory problems. In addition, he focuses on the classics of the early Han dynasty, which are the foundation of Chinese medicine. He hopes that SCA will expand public awareness of Chinese Medicine while playing an essential role in healthcare access for their community. They create greater access to holistic healthcare services. They aim to offer affordable acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and qigong in Savannah, GA. The clinic delivers same-day appointments.”
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