“Tacoma Acupuncture specializes in Exercise Medicine, Pain Relief, Stress Control, and PTSD. They practice an integrative, holistic medicine approach and use Acupuncture, East Asian Medicine, Tuina (Chinese Massage), Cupping, Moxibustion, Manual Therapy, and structural integration work. By using different therapies, they promise to provide a better overall quality of care. Their services are affordable and extremely effective. They have the experience and skills to help you achieve a better quality of life. Romi graduated with her Master's degree in Acupuncture from the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine in 2003. Her ideology is to help each of them foster health and wellness through in-clinic care with attention to what happens outside of the clinic. She continues to broaden and deepen her knowledge in Sports Medicine, PTSD, and many other subjects relevant to her healing work.”
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