“Patrick Hilton Agnew is an attorney licensed to practice law in the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Colorado. He completed his Juris Doctor at Northern Illinois University. He is a member of the Winnebago County Bar Association and has served on the Board of Directors of the Northern Illinois Estate Planning Council and the International Association for Financial Planning. He is also a Certified Financial Planner and satisfies the annual ongoing education requirements to maintain that certification. Patrick Hilton Agnew was named one of the top 100 Estate Planning Attorneys in the country by Worth Magazine. He is active in the community, having served on the Board of Directors for Milestone, Inc. (Care of Developmentally Disabled Adults), the Salvation Army Advisory Board, the Rockford Park District Foundation, the Saint Anthony Medical Center Foundation, Keith Country Day School, the Discovery Center Museum, Northern Illinois Leave A Legacy, and the Boylan High School Educational Foundation. His practice focuses on providing comprehensive and creative estate planning services understandably, along with charitable planning and business succession planning advice to business owners. Agnew Law Office, P.C.' understands that the more you participate in and understand your individual estate plan, the more likely you are to take the steps that are necessary to fully execute that estate plan and to realize all the benefits and savings available under the plan you design. The firm aims to provide cutting-edge estate planning concepts and techniques, along with quality document draftsmanship. They provide services on a flat fee basis, with the costs of each estate planning option discussed at an initial meeting.”
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