Abandonment, Addiction, ADD/ADHD, Age Regression, Aggression, Agoraphobia, Anesthesia, Anger, Anxiety, Assertiveness, Assist Healing, Attitude Adjustment, Bedwetting, Biofeedback, Breathing, Career Success, Change Habits, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Communication, Concentrating, Controlling, Cramps, Cravings, Creativity, Death or Loss, Discouraged, Dreams, Exercise, Fear of Animals, Death, Dentists, Doctors, Failure, Flying, Heights, Loss of Control, Needles, Success, Surgery and Water, Forgiveness, Frustration, Gagging, Gambling, Guilt, Hair Twisting, Headaches, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Hostility, Hypertension, Hypochondria, Immune System, Impotency, Phobias, Postsurgical, Premature Ejaculation, Presurgical & Procrastination
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“Jade Calkins Hypnotherapy is a trusted hypnotherapy center in La Verne. Jade Calkins, the hypnotherapist, received her first certification in the foundations of hypnotherapy in 2012. She also studied the history of hypnosis and was certified in past-life regression. Jade is an honors graduate of HMI. She is a certified practitioner of neurolinguistic programming and mental and emotional release. Her experience has given her the ability to hold space for others. She is a facilitator of emotional healing. Jade walks beside her clients along the path of knowledge, supplying tools and information to help teach others about her most natural state of being.”
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