“Meshbesher & Spence's experienced medical malpractice attorneys assist injured victims and their families in recovering damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Their dedicated Rochester car accident and personal injury lawyers will advise you on what to expect from insurance companies, provide legal guidance on settlement options, and fight for fair compensation to cover your losses. Their Rochester office is home to Southern Minnesota's leading personal injury, criminal defense, and workers' compensation attorneys. If you believe you have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit, talk with an experienced Minnesota medical malpractice lawyer at Meshbesher & Spence. With their free malpractice consultation, be prepared to answer specific questions about your situation. In their surrounding area, they frequently visit the hospitals throughout Southwestern and Southeastern Minnesota and all of Olmsted County, Blue Earth County, Freeborn County, Winona County, Steele County, and surrounding counties.”
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