“Dr. Scott Caesar is board-certified in urology. He completed his medical degree at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Scott Caesar finished his urology training at the University of Pennsylvania. His areas of interest include minimally invasive (laparoscopic) and robotic surgery for the treatment of both cancer and benign diseases. He has attended courses to learn advanced robotic techniques in treating urologic diseases and state-of-the-art methods in the surgical treatment of BPH and urinary incontinence. Dr. Scott Caesar has published many book chapters on topics ranging from prostatitis to robotic kidney surgery. He has researched and written articles on a variety of topics, including laser treatment of BPH, kidney cancer, and hematuria. Dr. Scott Caesar maintains a very strong relationship with the institution and its affiliated hospitals. He is a member of the American Urological Association. Dr. Scott Caesar is affiliated with medical facilities such as Lee Memorial Hospital and Cape Coral Hospital. He is fluent in English and Spanish.”
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