“Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic specializes in using acupuncture, Chinese herbal prescriptions, cupping, moxibustion, and dietetics to treat chronic and complex conditions. Stephen Stein is a nationally board-certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine. He received his Master's degree in Houston at the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Stephen Stein is a member of Acupuncturists without Borders and volunteers with VetTRIIP. He works in the heights area, and his focus is on pain management, family health, and general wellness. Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic offers a natural way to support your efforts in getting pregnant. Based on your needs, they will create an individualized fertility treatment plan of a minimum 3 to 6 months duration. Using simple techniques and remedies involving acupuncture, diet, and herbs they assist you with a variety of fertility issues.”
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