“10 Body Type Acupuncture Clinic has been serving the public with acupuncture & herbal medicine for over 37 years. They guide you to reach your determined weight loss goal with specific foods and exercises that fit best. Dr. Kevin and Dr. Linda are acupuncturists at 10 Body Type Acupuncture Clinic. Dr. Kevin K. Choe has 20 + years of experience treating patients with Acupuncture and Asian Medicine, along with Chiropractic Medicine. Dr. Kevin is also an educator of Acupuncture and Asian Medicine in the U.S. and in Korea. They are well experienced in bringing people back to their healthy lives. They have cared for a total of 40,000 patients for the past 25 years. The clinic provides electro-acupuncture, ear acupuncture, breathing exercises, cupping, muscle relaxation, and exercise therapy. They also offer herbal tea medicine, formulated according to each condition and type of body. The initial treatment includes a session of Acupuncture Treatment and complimentary Acupuncture Manipulation Therapy (AMT).”
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