“AllCare Acupuncture Clinic utilizes only brand-new, pre-sterilized, one-time-use disposable needles. They concentrate on assisting patients on the path to wellness by exemplifying the care and compassion that is needed and should be expected by all healthcare consumers. Dr. Julie Yu is the owner of AllCare Acupuncture Clinic. She currently has an acupuncture license from the State of Texas. She has 15 years of practical clinical experience. She focuses on Sports-Related Injuries such as Knee Pain, Rotator Cuff, Heel Spur, Sciatica, & Tennis Elbow. Dr. Julie Yu has had great success with general pain management. Her goal is to relieve the chronic pain that holds people back from achieving their full potential. She specializes in assisting patients on the path to wellness by exemplifying necessary care and compassion. Dr. Yu is fluent in Chinese, English, and basic Spanish. AllCare Acupuncture Clinic is dedicated to maintaining human health harmoniously with the environment.”
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