“St. Stephen Catholic Church features included a new ‘Sanctuary’ and ‘Narthex’ (vestibule entrance), a new ‘Chapel for Daily Mass and Eucharistic Reservation’, a new ‘Cry Room’, a new ‘Gift Shop’, a ‘Carillon’ (electronic bell system) and a new ‘Choir Rehearsal Room’ which included a new Allen Organ for their Church Worship and Sound System. The interior was redesigned and refurbished to celebrate its 35th Anniversary. The first classes, under the direction of The Sisters of Saint Joseph, were held within the Church building itself. St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church population growth and development of the faith in this area did not cease with the founding of St. Stephen Church. There is a mass in Spanish, English, and Creole French. The church is a beautiful place to approach God and hear his word, with very beautiful masses and an organized team of collaborators.”
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