“Mathis, Bates & Klinghard PLLC provides professional legal representation to the surrounding communities. The firm is committed to providing its clients with the best-in-class service. Mathis, Bates & Klinghard PLLC handles various legal issues, including divorce and family law, criminal defense, bankruptcy, immigration, and military law. From your initial consultation to closing your legal matter, they will remain available to help you through every step. The lawyers at Mathis, Bates & Klinghard represent civilians in Tennessee and Kentucky, as well as military service members worldwide. At Mathis, Bates & Klinghard PLLC, they help clients in all types of immigration issues. Whether seeking a green card or looking to bring your fiance into the United States to get married, their lawyers can help you. They make themselves available during evening and Saturday hours to accommodate their clients' work schedules.”
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