Here’s The Deal:
Christian Brothers Painting is a professional painting company in Oklahoma City, OK. Mr. Larry Kozak is the co-owner of the company. The company is running on the principle of providing excellent service to all their valued customers. Their painters have all the experience needed to guarantee your next painting project is finished perfectly by a licensed and insured painting contractor. Christian Brothers Painting team has all the experience you need to guarantee your next painting project is finished perfectly by a licensed and insured painter. The company has painted hundreds of homes and also businesses throughout the greater Oklahoma City. They offer a free estimate. The company accepts all major credit cards for the payment process.
3 Best Painters in Oklahoma City, OK
Expert recommended Top 3 Painters in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. All of our painters actually undergo a rigorous 50-Point Inspection, which includes customer reviews, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, trust, price and general excellence. You deserve only the best!
Since 1991
Here’s The Deal:
Ray the Painter is a locally owned and operated painting company in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ray M is the founder of the company. In December 2012, Amy purchased Ray the Painter from Ray’s wife, Mary. Initially the company was operated out of a 2,400 sq. ft. facility. In June of 2014, she purchased a 7,000 sq. ft. double warehouse. Their Painting Professionals are fully trained and up to date on the latest products and techniques. With over 20 years of experience, their team bringing color to homes and businesses. They aim for 100 percent customer satisfaction from start to finish and are proud of their many commercial and residential references. Their commitment to customer service, detail, and professionalism allowed their painting business to grow and flourish over the next several years. Ray the Painter team offers a two-year warranty and free estimates for your next painting job.
Serving Locations:
Choctaw, Norman, El Reno, Mustang, Yukon, Moore, Tuttle, Guthrie, Arcadia, Bethany, Edmond, Jones, Midwest City, Nichols Hills, Nicoma Park, The Village & Warr Acres
Working Hours:
Sat & Sun: Closed
TBR® Inspection Report:
Since 1992
Here’s The Deal:
CertaPro Painters of OKC-Edmond is an independently owned and operated painting company in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Robert Norris is the owner of the company. The company has EPA lead certified painter team. They offer house painting and commercial painting services to homes and businesses in the area. Their painters consistently strive to provide exceptional painting services to their customers. They offer free color consultation and estimates. Their team of experienced and professional painting contractors will arrive on time and deliver customized painting solutions. They provide a limited two-year warranty for all their services. Their teams understand the specific needs of customers and deliver a highly-tailored service to each and every customer.
Serving Locations:
Edmond, Yukon, Village, Nichols Hills, Oak Tree, Gaillardia, Bethany, Warr Acres, Piedmont, Arcadia, Quail Creek, Surrey Hills, Wildwood, Belle Isle, Deer Creek, Lakehurst, Lansbrook, Mulholland, The Greens, Val Verde & Warwick
Working Hours:
Sat & Sun: Closed