“David S. Adams is a licensed and practicing attorney providing effective and affordable legal services for individuals and families for over twenty years. David S Adams graduated from the University of Kansas School of Law in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1991. David S. Adams, Attorney at Law, is dedicated to providing affordable and effective services for residents of the Kansas City metro area. Licensed in Kansas and Missouri and based in Olathe, David has the experience to handle your personal injury, bankruptcy, or car accident case. Adams Cross, LLC continues to offer affordable legal services for individuals and families needing a personal injury and bankruptcy attorney in Olathe, Lenexa, Overland Park, and the greater Kansas City metro area, with over 30 years of combined experience. Their attorneys give quality legal representation for your case and can provide you with helpful legal advice regarding both personal injury and bankruptcy law. Contact their office today if you're looking for a local attorney with reliable experience. They are pleased to offer a free initial legal consultation in person or virtually through Zoom from their Olathe, KS, office.”
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