“The Studio Reno focuses on diverse practices, creating a special place for people to find relief for their bodies and minds while nurturing their inner strength. The studio has a welcoming atmosphere that attracts like-minded individuals, forming a supportive community. The friendly instructors are committed to making everyone feel relaxed and comfortable. At The Studio Reno, they provide a variety of yoga classes for all levels, including beginners, advanced, intermediate, and relaxation levels. Their schedule is designed thoughtfully to accommodate different lifestyles. Joining The Studio Reno means embarking on a transformative journey that promotes physical growth in your practice and nurtures your mental and emotional well-being. The vibrant community consists of inspired students brought together by their shared love for yoga. As a special offer, The Studio Reno provides a New Student Special with the first month of unlimited yoga for just $40. They also offer teacher training programs called Sacred Roots Vinyasa Teacher Training, led by Kelly Aguilera and Keri Huddleston. This program is designed for students and seekers interested in deepening their yoga practice, delving into the roots of this ancient practice to grow tall in their power. Additionally, The Studio Reno conducts excellent yoga workshops.”
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