“Holistic Acupuncture is staffed by licensed and nationally certified acupuncturists. These professionals have undergone extensive education in Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal medicine at esteemed universities in China, complemented by bio-psycho-medical training spanning several years. With a collective experience of over 80 years, they specialize in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Personalized Herbal Medicine, Tai Chi, Cupping, and Acupressure. One of their seasoned practitioners is L.Ac. Zhengyang (Charlie) Liu boasts over 10 years of expertise in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. He has successfully assisted numerous individuals in overcoming various health challenges, including insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Holistic Acupuncture offers a range of related services aimed at supporting the overall well-being of their patients.”
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