“West Hartford Acupuncture has a dedicated team of board-certified and licensed professionals who take pride in their profound understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles. Their mission revolves around fostering optimal health and vitality for patients, steering clear of pharmaceutical or surgical interventions whenever possible. Services provided encompass acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, and massage therapy, all geared toward restoring equilibrium and facilitating healing processes. Recognizing the potential financial barriers to accessing natural medicine treatments, the clinic endeavors to accommodate diverse financial situations. Notably, Jill Kleiber, L.AC., a licensed acupuncturist holding a Master's in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MSOM), is an esteemed member of the clinic's team. The acupuncturists at West Hartford Acupuncture have undergone rigorous training, among the most comprehensive available in Connecticut. For added convenience, established acupuncture patients can utilize the clinic's online booking feature.”
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