“Tallahassee Chinese Medicine and Community Acupuncture delivers acupuncture treatments in a relaxed, group setting. Their treatment allows many more patients to harness the benefits of consistent acupuncture without financially burdening them. The Acupuncturist Craig Thomas is committed to helping you achieve optimum well-being and health. He utilizes modalities such as Acupuncture, heartMath treatments, Shiatsu Massage, Herbal Prescriptions, Diet, and Health Advice. Craig Thomas focuses on treating women's health, female and male fertility, sports/orthopedic acupuncture, and chronic pain conditions. Craig Thomas has many tools to help you regain health and achieve your goals for wellness. He spends additional time getting to the root of your imbalance through discussion, examination, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and observation. They offer a patient-centered approach to care for your health issues. Tallahassee Chinese Medicine is also located at 250 Pinewood Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32303.”
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