“Dr. Robert Zahn received his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic. Dr. Zahn specializes in treating neck pain, back pain, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis. He has been practicing in Shreveport, Louisiana, for 41 years and counting. His goal is to improve your lifestyle by caring for your health. He uses various methods, including cold laser therapy, shockwave therapy, mechanical traction, and spinal decompression. He provides a high-quality level of chiropractic experience to his patients. He is the owner of Zahn Chiropractic Clinic, a holistic chiropractic treatment center in Shreveport, Louisiana. They offer treatments to patients who suffer from acute and chronic pain, auto accidents, and sports-related injuries. Their chiropractic treatments are specialized to effectively treat a wide variety of issues and ailments.”
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