Why the Best:
Judy Higdon, an Intuition-Specialist, is a highly trusted Hypnotherapist in Norfolk, VA. Judy Higdon is a certified and licensed hypnotherapist and practitioner of Matrix Energetics Healing. She has a comprehensive background of over 30 years in her field. Judy Higdon's range of services aims to improve clients' overall mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. She obtains clarity and understanding of the events unfolding in clients' lives through healing techniques. With her wealth of experience, Judy delivers clients direct and honest guidance derived from their spirit, assisting them in navigating their current situations and gaining a higher perspective on progressing toward their goals. By tapping into their inner guidance system, Judy aids individuals in locating alternative and improved methods to life situations, allowing them to realize their true potential and aspirations. Judy Higdon is committed to providing personalized service, tailoring her approach to meet each client's needs and preferences. She is highly professional and committed to delivering excellent care to their patient. Her commitment to convenience ensures that clients receive the support and guidance they require in a manner that suits their circumstances.