“Atlanta Birth Center, directed by Anjli Hinmen, holds national accreditation and is dedicated to providing exceptional care under her leadership. The center is committed to delivering family-centered services through a team of highly skilled holistic healthcare providers. Prioritizing safety and comfort, Atlanta Birth Center offers a welcoming and secure alternative to hospital births, catering to nearly 500 growing families. The center actively organizes and hosts various monthly events for the community. They provide comprehensive sanitization practices, including personal protective equipment (PPE), to ensure the well-being of staff and clients. Atlanta Birth Center offers a holistic program that includes comprehensive midwifery care, creating a nurturing environment where individuals feel supported, respected, safe, and secure. With a mission to be a sanctuary nurturing the lives of women and their families, Atlanta Birth Center is dedicated to providing a continuum of family-centered, holistic care throughout the entire journey of the childbearing experience.”
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