“Mickey Fine began his legal career as an insurance defense lawyer, defending personal injury lawsuits for three years. He provides care for you or your loved one who deserves highly personalized care. He ensures you receive the quality representation needed for a successful outcome. Law Offices of Mickey Fine has been honed in California and other states by serving personal injury clients for over 30 years. They believe they can get the desired results without losing their dignity with a proven track record, including significant settlements like $3,500,000 for a Confidential Wrongful Death Case, $1,200,000 for a U-turn on Pacific Coast Highway, $1,000,000 for Personal Injury, $929,375 for a Jury Trial Verdict, and $850,000 for Automobile Personal Injury. Their personalized approach, combined with vast resources, will help you maximize the value of your compensation. Call for a free assessment of the case today.”
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