“Caldwell Acupuncture provides both affordable group acupuncture and treatments in private rooms. They deliver a comprehensive scheme of diagnosis and care. They have the highest level of national board certification. They offer regular wellness and maintenance services to maintain your long-term well-being. Esly Caldwell, LAc, LOM, is an acupuncturist at Caldwell Acupuncture. He specializes in treating pain, infertility, and digestive disorders. He uses various treatment techniques, including acupuncture, moxibustion, guasha, cupping, rolling, Tui Na, and acupressure. The clinic's mission is to provide you with facilitation and encouragement in this healing process. They provide affordable community acupuncture and private room treatments. They have a convenient online scheduling option. Caldwell Acupuncture offers flexible evenings and weekends. They also serve in Blue Ash, Madeira, Montgomery, Mason, Kenwood, Pleasant Ridge, and Silverton.”
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