“Saint Lucie Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine offers a variety of ways of helping you get the health you deserve. The clinic provides private and community acupuncture. Marcela Munoz-Rivera is licensed as an Acupuncture Practitioner in Florida. Marcela has expertise in Classical Chinese Medicine, Practical Medicine, Five Elements of Acupuncture, Channel Theory, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Diet. She is fluent in Spanish. She designs a recovery program to discuss the symptoms and the underlying cause of those symptoms. Marcela Munoz-Rivera works on recovery, rehabilitation, prevention, and awareness to ensure true well-being. Her treatment plan addresses your symptoms and the root cause of those symptoms. The clinic offers free 10-minute consultations. Saint Lucie Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine are happy to offer extended hours to their community. Their integrative therapy technique combines both Chinese medicine and homeopathic remedies for an injection in an acupuncture point specific to the patient's needs. Saint Lucie Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine accepts major credit cards.”
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