“Wichita Holistic delivers Acupuncture, Zero Balancing, Therapeutic Massage, and Meditation. Their integrated technique focuses simultaneously on relieving the symptoms and unravelling the root cause of the disease. Marty Golden is a licensed acupuncturist in Wichita Holistic. She is a Certified Zero Balancer and is also trained in auricular acupuncture, a specialized application that relieves physical pain and dampens the effect of emotional trauma, preventing it from becoming chronically damaging. Marty focuses on holistic fertility enhancement and menopause support. She utilizes acupuncture needles to remove blockages, release toxic energies, restore balance to the energy system, restore its natural balance, and restore its healing ability. Wichita is a place of increased peace, health, relaxation, and freedom from pain in a beautiful and welcoming setting.”
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