3 Best Churches in Gilbert, AZ

Expert-recommended Top 3 Churches in Gilbert. All selected churches undergo our rigorous 50-Point Inspection, assessing reviews, reputation, history, price, proximity, and more to ensure excellence. No Pay-to-Play!

St Anne Roman Catholic Parish Gilbert Churches image 1
Best Churches in Gilbert AZ - St Anne Roman Catholic Parish image 2
Top Churches in Gilbert AZ - St Anne Roman Catholic Parish image 3


440 East Elliot Road,
Gilbert, AZ 85234 Directions

Since 1936

Ministry Schedules Funeral Planning Bulletin First Communion Preparation Baptism Catechesis Children's Faith Formation Anointing of the Sick Child & Youth Protection

St Anne Roman Catholic Parish provides various ways for parish members to participate actively in the faith. The parish started with over 4,500 registered families and became one of the largest parishes in the country. They started celebrations for the 70th year as a parish. The parish grew to over 4,500 registered families, becoming one of the largest parishes. At St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish, they strive to keep Christ at the center of parish life. The church movements and ministries, or communities, although distinct, work towards the common goal of spiritual growth and family within one large community and making St. Anne a community of communities. The parish boasts a rich collection of beautiful icons depicting God's many mysteries.

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(480) 507-4400

Mass Time:
Mon: 7am|12pm(English)
Wed & Fri: 7am (Tridentine - Latin)|12pm (English)
Tue: 12pm|6:15pm(Spanish)
Thu: 12pm|6:15pm(English)
Sat: 7am (English)
Sat Vigil Mass: 4:30pm (English)|6:30pm(Spanish)
Sun: 7am(English)|9am(English)11am(High Mass in English)
|1pm(Spanish)3pm (Tridentine in Latin Low Mass)

TBR® Inspection Report:



456 East Ray Road,
Gilbert, AZ 85296 Directions

Since 1990

Request Prayer Men Outreach Seniors Counseling Ministries: Children Water Baptism Faith Students Baby Dedications Ladies Weddings Mental Healing Membership & Funerals

Sun Valley Community Church is to facilitate people in the meeting, knowing, and following Jesus, recognizing that the Bible's message from Genesis to Revelation centres around Him. They think they are just getting started, and the best is yet to come as they work together to help fulfill the mission that Jesus has given them. They provided the way for them to be restored in a relationship with Him. Sun Valley Community is passionate about partnering with parents and teaching kids to follow Jesus. All kids (birth through 6th grade) experience fun, safe, and age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus through worship and hands-on activities. Sun Valley Community Church assist in helping people meet, know, and follow Jesus.

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(480) 632-8920

Service Time:
Sat: 4pm|5:30pm
Sun: 9am|10:30am

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2654 East Williams Field Road,
Gilbert, AZ 85295 Directions

Since 2002

First Communion Preparation Bulletin Catechesis Ministry Schedules Funeral Planning Baptism Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Confessions Children's Faith Formation & RCIA Registration

St. Mary Magdalene Roman Catholic Church is a Parish that witnesses the love of Jesus Christ through evangelization, catechesis, and celebration of the Sacraments. The Parish is interested in establishing a Maintenance and Facilities Volunteer Team to assist in observing and recommending maintenance tasks. St. Mary Magdalene Roman Catholic Church assembled Gospel references to describe Mary Magdalene as a courageous servant leader who was brave enough to stand by Jesus during hours of suffering, death, and beyond. She is the only person to be listed in all four Gospels as the first to realize that Jesus had risen and to testify to that central teaching of faith.

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(480) 279-6737

Mass Time:
Mon-Fri: 8am
Sat: 8am|4:30pm
Sun: 7am|9:30am|11:30am|4:30pm

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