“Autism Center is dedicated to promoting your overall well-being and assists numerous individuals, friends, and children in addressing specific mental health concerns. Amirhoushmand, a licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified professional, has more than 25 years of experience in the mental health field. She has worked in various settings, such as schools, communities, private sectors, correctional facilities, and in-home services. Amirhoushman is actively engaged in providing direct patient care, particularly in catering to the needs of children referred for Autism Evaluation. Autism Center provides a secure and comfortable environment where you can openly express your concerns and seek assistance for any personal issue. The Center acknowledges the importance of mental health and considers it as vital as physical well-being. They offer same-day appointments for both new and existing patients. Their mission is to assist people from all walks of life overcome their difficulties. Through their services, they will help you regain clarity, discover options, and take control of areas of concern.”
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