“Tucson Acupuncture Co-op is a Community Acupuncture clinic that provides affordable, accessible, and easy-to-use healthcare options through acupuncture and herbal medicine for everyone in their communities. Cate Maxon, L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist in Arizona. She completed her training at a community acupuncture school, POCA Tech, in 2018 and held certification from NCCAOM. Tucson Acupuncture Co-op offers more than 70,000 acupuncture treatments. The clinic aims to improve patients' quality of life by providing substantial health support, including pain relief, reducing the frequency, duration, and intensity of distressing symptoms, and preventing the onset of acute and chronic diseases. Tucson Acupuncture Co-op is ADA-accessible. The clinic has plenty of free parking in their lot and on Estrella Avenue.”
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