“Chesapeake Arboretum is a well-established Arboretum in Chesapeake, VA. The Arboretum is a 48-acre "Nature's Classroom" that encourages horticultural and environmental understanding through exhibits, education, and study. The Arboretum features one of the best hiking networks in Virginia that wanders through a dense hardwood forest with several trees and plants. Chesapeake Arboretum consists of a mature deciduous forest with a good hiking trail, farmstead, theme, and demonstration gardens. The nursery provides all citizens significant social, aesthetic, usable, financial, and recreational benefits. Arboretum Headquarters has theme gardens, including an ancient rose garden and a fragrance, and is an 18th-century farmhouse. The Chesapeake Arboretum is a tour of the 3 miles of trails in the Arboretum to read about the various tree types.
• Large Parking Area Available.”
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