3 Best Pediatric Optometrists in Louisville, KY

Expert-recommended Top 3 Pediatric Optometrists in Louisville. All selected pediatric optometrists undergo our rigorous 50-Point Inspection, assessing reviews, reputation, history, price, proximity, and more to ensure excellence. No Pay-to-Play!



2420 Lime Kiln Lane, Suite H,
Louisville, KY 40222 Directions

Since 2011

Conjunctivitis Dry Eye and Diabetic Disease Keratoconus Glaucoma Cataract Bifocal/Multifocal Contacts Macular Degeneration Pediatric Care Comprehensive and Contact Lens Exams Astigmatism Blepharitis Uveitis Injuries Vitreous & Retinal Detachment

Dr. Aaron McNulty earned his Doctorate of Optometry at Indiana University, graduating with the highest honors. The doctor provides comprehensive eye care for all ages. Dr. McNulty is a member of the National Glaucoma Society and the Scleral Lens Education Society and an adjunct faculty member at the Oklahoma College of Optometry. He has a particular interest in treating eye disease and using specialty contact lenses. He treats comprehensive eye care for all ages. He lectures frequently about the treatment of eye diseases and the use of laser surgery in eye care. Louisville Eye Center is dedicated to providing experienced care and fashionable eyewear. Louisville Eye Center offers the latest styles and the highest quality materials to keep you seeing great.

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He was named the 2014 Kentucky Young Optometrist of the Year.
License #1903DT


(502) 426-5000

Mon & Tue: 7am - 5pm
Wed: 7am - 6pm
Thu & Fri: 7am - 4pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

TBR® Inspection Report:



1536 Story Avenue,
Louisville, KY 40206 Directions

Since 2004

Ocular Histoplasmosis Blepharitis Glaucoma Lasik Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Amblyopia Children’s and Adolescent Care Routine Examinations Retinitis Pigmentosa Macular Degeneration and Pucker Flashes Floaters Cataract Screening Dry and Red Eyes Treatment Diabetic Diseases & Viral Conjunctivitis

Dr. Hayley Woodruff has over seventeen years of experience in this pediatric field. She specializes in contact lens examinations and fitting. Dr. Woodruff is a Beta Sigma Kappa Honor Society member, Kentucky Optometric Association, American Optometric Association & Fellowship of Christian Optometrists. She received a Clinical Service Award from the Southern College of Optometry and an Analytical Chemistry from Eastern Kentucky University. Their optical shop at The Eye Care Institute features the latest in designer eyewear, and you can order your contact lenses from them in person.

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License #1614DT


(502) 589-1500

Mon-Thu: 7:30am - 5pm
Fri: 7:30am - 3pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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Mark Stovall, OD - MYEYEDR. Louisville Pediatric Optometrists image 1


MYEYEDR. 120 West Market Street,
Louisville, KY 40202 Directions

Since 1988

Presbyopia Conjunctivitis Glaucoma Management Astigmatism Hyperopia (Farsightedness) Comprehensive and Pediatric Exams Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Myopia (Nearsightedness) Pre and Post-Operative Care for Cataract and Laser Correction Surgeries Contact Lens Fitting & Diabetic Exams

Dr. Mark Stovall completed his Doctorate at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee. He has been in this field for over 35 years. The doctor is an active member of the American Optometric Association and the Kentucky Optometric Association. Dr. Mark Stovall is currently practicing at MyEyeDr. The clinic offers major comprehensive eye examinations. MyEyeDr.'s optical lab caters to a more individualized eyecare. The staff is friendly, cares for each patient, and fulfills their eye care needs. The clinic and the attentive team at MyEyeDr are committed to delivering excellent service and meeting your eye care needs.

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He received the President's Award from the Kentucky Optometric Association in 2017
License #1147DT


(502) 585-2020

Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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