Why the Best:
Buffalo Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic specializes in holistic treatments, offering general practice acupuncture, herbal medicine, personalized physical therapy, and compassionate care. Dr. Nicole C. Andrus, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, focuses on Women’s Health, Stress and Pain Management, and Micro/Nanoneedling for anti-aging. She earned her degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and has been a licensed acupuncturist and integrative medicine practitioner since 2011. Their mission is centered on providing whole-person care. By employing holistic treatments, personalized physical therapy, and compassionate care, they aim to empower patients to reduce pain and take control of their health. Founded on the belief that every patient deserves to be heard, the Buffalo Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic was created to bridge the healthcare gap through collaborative efforts.