“Ivy League Tutoring offers in-person tutoring for Rhode Island and Florida pupils and online tutoring for pupils nationwide. Susan Santucci is the founder and principal of Ivy League Tutoring, an SAT/ACT expert, and the author of over 20 years in the field and degrees from Amherst College and Harvard University. Their outstanding instructors are experts in their field and passionate about teaching. Their staff includes specialists in the fields of reading and study skills, math, science, writing, and SAT Subject Tests. Standardized test preparation are also available for ACT and SSAT. They belives that great instructor make best students and achieve their goal. They constantly update their programs based on client feedback and developments in the area. Ivy League Tutoring has helped thousands of students improve their scores, so they have gotten into colleges such as Brown, Yale, Dartmouth, Duke, MIT, and Florida.”
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